The emotional impact of kitchen color on a person

Each home owner is trying to create coziness and comfort in him. But success depends significantly on what color is chosen for the design of the room. Since any color and a certain shade have features.

How the color of the kitchen affects a person

Colored rooms look very beautiful and quickly cheer up. But this will depend not only on certain colors, but also on how saturated and bright they are. The mood of the room can be determined by the number of different shades used for the kitchen. It's no secret that light colors visually increase the room. And dark shades have the opposite effect, but due to them, the atmosphere will look truly homely.

Choosing the color of the interior of the kitchen, you can use the advice of psychologists. For example, turquoise and orange stimulate appetite. If you need to throw a couple of pounds, it is best to choose a combination of pink and gray. This combination eliminates the desire for periodic snacks.

The combination of contrasting shades - for example, yellow and blue - encourages action. But use such combinations with caution. Especially if the room is small.

Attention! As a compromise, instead of deep colors, you can choose their softened shades. In this case, even a very bright interior will look appropriate, and nourish the positive energy of your favorite color.

What colors do you need to make a kitchen

For people who spend most of their time in this room, it is important to carefully choose the colors. Just the constant contemplation of excessively bright colors can lead to severe irritation over time. Therefore, during the organization of the interior in the kitchen, many nuances must be taken into account: the general background of the surfaces of the ceiling, walls, flooring, curtains.

The dependence of color and human condition has long been proved by psychologists. Given gamma, the following reactions occur:

  1. According to psychologists, the best way to decorate the interior is a palette consisting of orange shades. It improves mood, energizes and positively affects the digestion of food.
  2. Red tones increase appetite, excite the nervous system, respectively, they should not be chosen by people who monitor their weight, or those who have high blood pressure.
  3. Green shades relax, soothe, while improving performance. These shades fight irritability, normalize pressure, balance the condition. A green background is a win-win choice when designing a kitchen.
  4. Yellow - sets up for work, tones up, therefore it is suitable for people who find it difficult to wake up in the morning.
  5. Blue tones are required by excitable people, but in this case it is necessary to avoid oversaturation, which will have a depressing effect on the nervous system.
  6. Blue shades give peace, reduce appetite, are best suited for hypertensive patients.
  7. Brown and gray tones will decorate any room: their neutral gamut is a good background for a kitchen set.
  8. Choosing a purple interior is required very carefully, choosing only pale shades.

The ideal color for the kitchen, according to experts

Experts recommend choosing colors based on a certain side of the world:

  1. The interior of eastern and western cuisine should be chosen taking into account the main time spent by the hostess in this room. That is, evening activity requires muted tones, for morning hours it is best to choose light shades.
  2. Warm colors are ideal for northern cuisine. The magnificent color will be yellow, orange, pink, golden.
  3. Southern cuisines are decorated with cold shades: lilac, purple, blue.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to choose the perfect shades for the kitchen, during the repair you need to focus on such factors: the size of the room, the location of the kitchen and the emotional effect. Only by combining all this into one, you can decide what color to decorate the interior.

Watch the video: Lighting for emotional impact (May 2024).

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